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Why Should You Join the Golden Gate United NRA Members' Council?

Hello NRA Members in San Francisco, San Mateo, and Marin Counties,

NRA Members' Councils are local NRA communities. Membership in an NRA Members' Council is separate from your NRA membership.  As an NRA Members' Council member, you are a patriot. You are the front lines in the fight for the right to keep and bear arms.  

The Second Amendment is why you have the First Amendment!


You are the critical, grassroots advocate of NRA programs, policies, and goals such as:

  • Legislation - Learn about pending laws impacting your gun rights. Contact your political representatives to influence pending laws.

  • Elections - Register voters, call voters, walk precincts, and distribute flyers for NRA endorsed candidates.

  • Clinics - Learn personal and gun safety. Learn and train on different firearms.

  • Membership drives - Outreach to new, new to Bay Area and existing firearm owners.

At the same time, meet and enjoy the fellowship of friends who share your belief in Second Amendment rights.

© 2021 by GGUNRAMC. 

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